Stop the Merry Point Solar Project

Industrial-scale solar isn’t right for agricultural-rural areas

Focus on agriculture, not solar

Support sustainable farming

Protect our Waterways


 Industrial-scale solar power plants should not be placed on land already zoned for A-1 (agricultural) and RA (rural area) use.
Heavy machinery and long-term lack of soil cultivation can lead to compaction, making it difficult for trees or crops to grow again.
Solar projects should not be placed near wetlands, rivers, streams, tributaries to avoid immediate damage to water quality, and possible contamination-ecological disasters.
Solar power plants destroy wildlife habitat.

Preserving Our County


Preserving Rural

Stop the Merry Point Solar Project to preserve rural Lancaster County, Virginia, focusing on


Agricultural Focus

Promote sustainable farming practices and support local agriculture in Lancaster County, Virginia.


Land Conservation

Advocate for land conservation and protect the natural beauty of Lancaster County, Virginia.


Community Advocacy

Engage in community advocacy to ensure the voices of Lancaster County, Virginia are heard.


Environmental Impact

Raise awareness about the environmental impact of the Merry Point Solar Project in Lancaster County,


Sustainable Living

Promote sustainable living and support initiatives that align with the values of Lancaster County,

Preserve Rural Lancaster County, Virginia